Save for 2 cupboards and the drawer fronts, which won't be built until everything else is installed, all the cupboards, face frames and doors are built. The two corner cupboards will be built later so that the size can be adjusted should everything not quite fit. Since the man has built these with incredible precision, I mean the doors are fitted with the recommended 1/16th inch and they are inset doors, which look awesome but are harder to get perfect, I cannot imagine how he would need the fudge room. However, it is his project, not mine, so I am not complaining. The cupboards are gorgeous!

Because the weather has cooled off substantially, all the face frames and doors are inside for priming. We are using a grey primer because the bottom cupboards will be a dark barn red. This will hopefully make for easier painting because reds can be fussy colours.

On Thursday night we had tickets to see Paul Brandt and Dean Brody who were playing in London. It was an awesome concert. Dean Brody's band was tight and perfectly timed. There was even a chain saw involved lol. His set did seem a little short though and as it was a greatest hits type performance, there were a few great songs that were left out. Paul Brandt and his band were a little looser and there was a bit more connection with the crowd. They were both great, but I think Paul Brandt stole the show.
I tried to get a few photos on my phone, but they just show the limitations that I am finding with my older phone camera. Even though our seats were in the cheap nosebleed section, it was well worth it to see these great Canadian musicians.
Saturday was the
Woodstock Fleece Festival. If you spin, weave, knit, crochet, rug hook, felt or do any sort of fibre art, this is a great place to hang out for a few hours. I didn't come home with all that much this year but did pre-order a few dyes from
Fibre Garden, which I was able to pick up at their booth. It is so easy to get exactly what I need from them, without paying for the shipping or the gas, and not have to worry that they didn't have enough space to bring what I wanted.

Sunday, I woke up to heavy white skies and this white nonsense! YUK ! It is way too early for snow. Luckily it melted before I had to leave for Westfield. I made a steamed pudding and a beef soup. It was pretty steady with visitors so I neglected to get photos. The steamed pudding was a batter pudding from Hanna Glasse. It was pretty tasty!
I found this funny, little waffle maker on deep discount at the local hardware store. It is quite small, and heats up in just a couple of minutes. It only takes 2 or so minutes to cook a batch of 8 mini waffles, which are absolutely perfect for the consumption of real maple syrup. Gluten free waffles cook up really nicely in this little waffle maker. It looks like a lot of waffles, but in actuality, there was less waffle batter for this pile of waffles than in one regular sized waffle. That seems like a win to me!