This is a 238 skein of white Egyptian Cotton, 2 ply. It took forever to spin, mainly because sitting still for hours at this time of year just doesn't happen. It's a nice skein and will go into my stash of handspun cotton skeins for a future project. I only spun 1 bobbin full, then I wound about half onto another bobbin for plying.
The cotton is a commercial sliver. When I first started spinning cotton, I had to card this sliver into punis before I could spin it. I realized half way through this bobbin, that I had started spinning from the sliver, with no thought about it. Really, it's all about practice, practice, practice..

I had a bit of an idea pop into my head and decided that I would weave up some inkle bands. My inkle loom is very pretty, and is beautifully hand crafted. Unfortunately, it has a little bit of an issue with the placement of the pegs, making for a very small shed. It made the whole project take much longer than I'd expected and it was frustrating at times. I used 4/8 cotton, so it should have been pretty nice to weave with, but it seemed like I was wrestling with the warp the whole length, and it wasn't horribly fun. However, I need to weave off another 6 or so lengths, so I'm going to have to figure something out to make this work better. I had suggested my sweetie might want to make me a new inkle loom, with some small adjustments to the pattern, but the roof needs reshingling first and apparently that comes before fibery activities. ;)

I did make this little narrow wares width guide for my next project. It's just a strip of plastic, folded in half. I used the plastic from a 10 litre water jug that I found in a recycling bin. I think a juice or milk jug, would be easier to work with. This was pretty tough cutting. It may still be too long as I put on both 2 inch and 2.5 inch markings.
My sweetie woke me up this morning at 6 am, to tell me that a chair had tipped over and there was a pile of green yarn on the floor. Sitting nearby was Kevin, just looking around as if nothing was wrong. While he normally isn't a playful kitty, when he does play, he goes all out. This was a freshly dyed skein of 4/8 cotton. While I can see some of the figure 8 ties, the rest of it is so tangled up that I'm not sure I'll be able to use it. And my husband wonders why I call Kevin the" Bad Kitty".