I spun up 100 g of grey ramie. It's nice yarn. It was nice to spin, although sometimes it seemed I was wearing it as much as I was spinning it. It's very fine and clingy, especially since the weather has turned cold again and the humidity is low.
I made homemade egg noodles for dinner the other day. . I haven't done that in a very long time. They are easy to make and fun to slurp. I made stew for supper and didn't want to make biscuits, and we were out of bread. The guys had been moving the woodpile, so I thought they'd like a hearty dinner.
I'm finishing up spinning the brown cotton. I'm pretty sure it's the last of the good coloured cotton sliver that I have. I will miss it. It's something I'd have to order in from either the west or the U.S. since I haven't been able to find a supplier locally or in central Canada at any rate.
I'm dressing the loom. It's a fussy colour pattern gamp. I was going to put it on hold, and do waffle weave tea towels, but nope, I decided to do the projects I'd listed in order. I'm sort of regretting it now. It's going to be fussy to thread the heddles. I'm now thinking they'll be fussy to weave. Since I've seen the finished project, I know they the pattern makes for spectacular towels though.
The only thing about small projects is that it doesn't feel like I've accomplished a lot. I still haven't started on my new dresses for Westfield, nor a new medieval gown, that I've been promising myself.