The windstorm blew through our area, knocking down trees, hydro poles and creating a mess. After a brief shudder in the electrical system, it all shut down. We were lucky in that we were without power for just less than 30 hours. I had someone ask me what we did and how did we survive? Well, mainly, once the wind had died down, we went outside. Wood was split. Wood was stacked. Branches were picked up. Sticks were raked. A quick run into town to get more gas for the generator which keeps our sump pumps running, also resulted in brunch at a fast food restaurant with wifi, so I could check my FOOL event email. I was surprised at how many people had their tablets out while we were there.
Finally, tiring from yard work, I dragged out a bit of fibre that I had dyed two winters ago and only got part of it spun up. I started spinning the rest. I realized that I hadn't divided it into two, so when I started on the second bobbin, I made sure to use one with the same finish as the first. Then when I was almost done, I weighed them both and divided the last of the sliver so that they equaled the same. I was off by a couple of partial grams, but in the end that resulted in one bobbin having 2 yards more than the other, so I wasn't upset about that at all. I plied them together, but with the busy day with yard work, I was literally falling asleep while plying. I had to force myself to stay awake so that the cats wouldn't demolish the yarn from the Lazy Kate to the wheel. Once it was done, I soaked it for a bit and set it to dry. The next morning I took a good look at it and was pleasantly surprised. Half of the yarn was spun by task light and candle light, in the near dark. I was expecting some very noticeable inconsistency, but nope, you cannot tell that this was half spun in the dark! Yay Me!

I love hyacinths. I love how they look and especially the scent. I like to take my tea and my spinning wheel or banjo out on a warm, still, spring day and watch the leaves grow while the scent of hyacinths lingers in the air. We've had nothing but windy days so far this spring. I've scented the flowers once, when I was on the ground taking this photo. I fear that with the way the flowers are popping up and speeding through their growth cycle, as if to make up for this year's lingering winter, I shan't get to have my day bathed in hyacinth scent.
Yes I realize that this photo is on a weird angle. Just as a warning, don't get down low to take a photo when the chooks are about. They are curious birds and like to know what you are doing. They will walk on you, peck you gently or not so gently and generally just get up close and personal trying to figure out what you are doing, trying to slither on your belly to get that perfect shot, which won't be so perfect in the end, when you jump out of the way of Ms. Curious Hen. (They poop indiscriminately too, so watch out for that as well)