
February 17, 2022

Inadvertent organizing

The last meeting of the local weaver's guild was on how to make wool dryer balls.  This is the very beautiful kit which was distributed to any member who wished to participate.  It made 2 dryer balls, one for the maker and the second for the guild sales stash.   Included were some shetland cross fibre for the centre, some lovely pastel rovings for the outside layers, and a felting needle to help hold wispy bits in place before washing.   Participants had to provide a nylon stocking or knee-high, a washer and a dryer for the felting procedure.

It was a fun and easy activity, which was perfect for our zoom meeting.   Photos of the results are starting to come in and they are very pretty.

The two at the bottom are made with the kit.  I had a bit of the pastel roving left, so I dug up some fibre and experimented.  I wasn't sure I had something suitable for the process.  I was right and the third dryer ball is squishy and square.  Not the solid ball that it was supposed to be!

I may have some other fibre to try with.  The best one, was the one I'd used a wool yarn core with.  I have lots of bits and pieces of handspun, too small for anything else, so I'll make a few more with a yarn core.

I'd made some before and used most of them for Xmas gifts.  They help speed up the drying time and soften clothing.  You need at least 3 of them and 5 is supposed to be better.   It only takes about 1 ounce of fibre (28 grams) for each one.

I've realized that I've gotten into a rather bad habit.  When I've purchased some needed yarn, craft or sewing supplies, I remove what I need right then and put it in the work space I'm using for that project.  Then if there are items left, I hang the bag on the back of the chair in my office/music space.   Today, I emptied all those bags. 

Most were recently purchased, so that's a good thing.  They were mainly weaving yarns.   There was also several pieces of interfacing for a project I was planning couple of summers ago, some supplies for a project a year before that and some seeds with an invoice dated 2017.  We're just ignoring that one!    However I found a bag with some sock yarn, which I'm pretty sure was there because I'd dug it out of my stash and then decided not to use it.  I also found 2 packed of my favourite sewing machine needles.   They are priced at $3.99 so I've no idea when I purchased them because they are now an unaffordable  $9.99 and have been that crazy price for at least 2 years.    So happy me for finding them, especially when I've got several big sewing projects planned.

There are currently no bags of goodies hanging from my chair, but there is a bin full of weaving yarns, all sorted and ready to use.

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