
February 16, 2025

Spinning the last of my Cotton

I've been spinning up the last of the coloured cotton that I'd picked up out in Alberta, when I was doing my master spinner course.   I really only had odds and ends left, rather than some of the larger packets.   I'm a bit sad because this was lovely to spin.   I had enough of the green to divide the roving in two and spin up about 3/4 of a bobbin of plied cotton yarn.  I forgot to take a before photo, but it was a beige colour raw.   Once it was plied I soaked it in water for a few minutes and then brought the water to a boil.  This brings out the colour of the coloured cotton.  It's a tad darker than this but I didn't want to play around with colour processing because I took the photo too close to a large window with indirect light bouncing off a lot of snow!

The second skein was really spun with whatever leftovers I had in a willy nilly fashion.   I just grabbed whatever bit I got when I reached for it and spun.  It's a mix of white, green and brown.   It also shows why maybe heat setting colour of white cotton isn't a good idea.  White cotton when boiled can turn beige! It's definitely an odd looking skein of yarn, but at least there was minimal waste.  I have less than a metre left on the 2nd bobbin of singles!  Yay me!

Cotton Clouds cotton roving is a dream to work with and comes in several hard to find and interesting colours.   Not available around here sadly.

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