While many of the birds which visit us during the winter have gone back to wherever they spend the good weather, our bluejays, mourning doves, cardinals are still with us. The grackles are at a reasonable level this year, but I think only because I missed filling the feeders the day they returned. We have red winged blackbirds who only eat at the feeders until there is other food available. There were a couple of cowbirds, some finches or sparrows and the woodpeckers, who don't care if I'm on the deck or not.
I also spent time watching the trees. We've missed maple syrup season all together this year because of the odd spring weather. The maple trees are starting to flower, so syrup season is pretty much over. We've got a few bottles set aside for a situation like this, so we won't do without.
The snow seems to have finally melted. Yesterday there was still some snow at the edges of the fields around us. The frost is gone and moisture is draining aways. It was bad there for a while as there was no place for the snow melt to go and we had water over good parts of the land around the house. That was a pain to deal with for sure. Not just puddles, but massive puddles flooding the barn and making for muddy, squidgy, slippery walking. It wasn't bad outside today!
I took a break from making the little comfort dolls. I dug up a skein of bamboo/wool blend sock yarn.
It's a tad heavier than some yarns, but not by much. I can make 2 pair of shorty socks with them as long as only one pair has heel tabs and the other just has a cuff. I love the colours of these. In discussions with a friend, apparently some people don't like the cuffs to show. I really don't care as comfort is more important to me. I'm still undecided on the tabs vs the little cuff. Last summer I don't think I noticed a difference between the two.I made these on my Circular Sock Machine, a Legare 400, which is over 100 years old. While I'd love a new machine, maybe a NZAK - New Zealand Auto Knitter, I don't have the $ saved up right now. However, my old girl, while sometimes being a little fussy, still works a treat.
I've been doing a lot of spinning lately. Having a group of gals who meet once a month to spin together has really helped get the spinning mojo boing again. While I've been spinning off and on since my Master Spinner program, I've been mainly spinning cotton and other oddly technique specific fibres. Getting back to spinning real wool took a bit of time to reconnect with my skills.
Your description of birds fussing at you for reading on the deck made me smile. I can usually tell where my cats are by the scolding of the birds. :)
ReplyDeleteI hear you about reconnecting to spinning skills. That's been my major since dusting off my wheel. Your yarn will make something wonderful.