I was stitching away minding my own business, when out of the blue, my sweetie says to me " You're going to make a whole reproduction of that thing, aren't you?" I had to reassure him that I wasn't interested in doing all 68 m of the tapestry and like where would I put it. I do have plans for a bit more trim for a gown, maybe a pillow and a wall hanging - a small one. The hanging would be to take to the longhouse as decoration. That one is in the future though. Right now, doing singles of the animals is a really nice break from Master Spinner homework!
Garden seeds are started - 4 types of tomatoes, peppers, soup celery, marjoram, onions and leeks. I've still a few more to plant but sometime this week should suffice. I don't know how many extra tomato plants I'll have. I ordered hybrids this year because of the severe blight problems we had last summer. These varieties are said to be quite disease resistant, so I thought it was worth a try. They seem to come in exceedingly small amounts - like 15 seeds in each packet. I may run out and grab a packet of regular old tomato seeds to start as a backup, just in case.
I ordered chicks as well. The meat chicks are a no brainer - we ordered the faster growing ones this year. We've enough time to do 2 runs if necessary. However I also wanted to order a couple more layers. This fall our girls will be moulting and likely not lay any eggs all winter. I figured a couple of new hens would help us have winter eggs. I thought maybe 3 would be a suitable number, but when I ordered them, it came out as 5 of two different varieties. So I've got 10 more laying chicks coming. Someone once warned me about the dangers of chicken math because sometimes it just doesn't add up right! How 3 could turn into 10 is beyond me!