
May 19, 2014

Master Spinner 5 and FOOL

It's been a wild week.   The level 5 Master Spinner course was last week.  It was probably the worst possible week for me, since it's the week before Fruits Of Our Labours, a rather intensive SCA Arts and Sciences event held in the Kingdom of Ealdormere.    It takes a lot of work to pull it together and the week before tends to be busy.  Throw in 5 days of intensive spinning instruction and I was a bit of a wreck.  I hardly had time to pack, let alone check for last minute pre-registrations etc.  It was an interesting exercise in stress and time management, that's for sure.

However, I survived.  The course was fabulous.  I learned much as well as had fun.   Donna Rudd, our instructor has a unique way of presenting techniques and fibres which I might not normally bother with.  But I try them and I learn and I produce samples that I'm pretty happy with.   I had trusted people to open the event for me, but I was able to duck out of the class early because the instructor is a pretty awesome person that way.  I'd  borrowed my son's car for the week and when I got home, I tossed my spinning gear in the middle of the living room.  I loaded up my camping gear and kissed hubby good bye as I headed out the door for the event.  Yes, I've lots of unpacking to do today, from both event and course.

Period hose class - Leg Bags

Fruits Of Our Labours is a whole weekend of classes on various medieval or medievalish arts and sciences.  Our crew, whom I refer to as Team FOOL, because without them, we wouldn't be able to pull off this event, has to be the best group of people ever to work together.  We get a great variety of classes from people who donate their time to teach.   We had classes from blacksmithing to Making a Viking Apron dress and everything in between. I was able to teach two classes, including a cotton spinning class.  I had a 13 year old girl attend who blew me away with her skills and ability to just pick up a not so easy technique, really quickly.  It was totally awesome.
Blacksmith's tools and toys

 There were three woodworking classes.  One made games, another made a drop spindle and the third made flax distaffs.
Flax Distaff- woodworking class
I was able to take the distaff class and while I ran out of time to finish it, as I had to prepare for a class I was teaching, magic elves finished mine and presented it to me.  It's beautiful!

Bowl turning on a pole lathe.
I had a great time, though by last night I was pretty tired, but after a nap this afternoon, I feel back to normal.   Now to start planning next year's event.  And Master Spinner Homework.  Always, Master Spinner homework.................

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear all went well, both Level 5 and the weekend. We were sending you warm dry thoughts the whole time. Maureen
