This is a handspun 3 ply Blue Faced Leicester/Nylon sock yarn, from a commercially blended roving. The skein only weight 105 g though and measured up at just under 300 yards. I don't think it's quite enough for a pair of socks with cuffs of my preferred length. I will either spin up some extra to use for the toes, heels and ribbing or finding some odd bit that coordinates in my stash, just to be certain I have enough yarn. I dislike socks which are too short in the leg or cuff. It's dyed with weak acid dyes. I used Navy and magenta, which work really nicely together.
I'm trying to find an interesting pattern for these socks, but so far all I'm doing it stashing new ideas for future projects.
I've not been very successful with getting home started perennials to survive over the summer. The past couple of autumns though, I've just sprinkled the desired seeds in a suitable garden spot and walked away. Both times I've tried this, I've come back the next fall to find big, beautiful plants. The Phlox is lovely and so is this lovely Pink Fall Aster. So pretty and so very pink!
The wild purple asters are abundant this year. Even though some of the flowers are starting to fade, the bees and few remaining butterflies are out in full force. We don't seem to have the Yellow Jacket Wasps this year, but have Bumble Bees galore. Luckily they aren't aggressive and just keep working away. Today's weather is perfect for their last minute foraging with the mild temperatures, sunshine and gentle breeze.
I've started on the second Christmas quilt. I've 2 of the 3 sets of blocks cut out. I realized after I was half through cutting the second set of blocks, that I could have save a whole bunch of time by strip piecing and cutting out whole rows of pieced squares. Now I have to lay out every set of squares for each row, making sure that the blue print is running the same way, since it's directional. Oh well, the quilt is only going to be about 55in. x 65 in., so it shouldn't take that much time to piece together, even doing it the long way.

Now to get the third fabric cut up and to sit down and piece this baby together, in time to get it quilted.