The bottom kitchen cupboards are all assembled. We painted the interiors with the amazing paint, which brushes on streak free and gives are really hard, smooth surface. Not so surprisingly, it is made for furniture and cabinets. I did all the cutting in, you know, the corners and funky bits while my sweetie got to play with the cute little baby paint roller. It didn't take long to paint the cupboards which will have shelves, but those drawer cupboards too forever. Only the sink cupboard remains to be finished up and put in place. I'm not sure we can do that until we know what we want to do for a counter. As we had to go to a slightly smaller sink to fit in 2 corner cupboards, I am not sure we can actually install it until we have the new sink and the new counter. The face fronts and doors are still to attach. Most are cut and some are assembled. I've been assured that it won't take long.

I've knitted up some of the dyed yarn from the fibre reactive dye project in level 6 Master Spinner. I only used 4 of the 5 skeins as the darkest colours really were very similar in intensity. I had to knit the blue mitt twice though, as I was 3 stitches off for the body of the mitt. It made enough of a difference in the fit, that I felt compelled to make it better. I still have a gazillion ends to sew in though. Those 3 missing stitches translated to about 24 inches of yarn which needed to be added for each colour. That means almost twice as many ends to stitch in for the blue mitt than the red.

When Kevin was a little tiny kitten, he loved to play with the vacuum hose. He would tumble over the hose, whether it was sitting there or in use. Eventually he would tire and fall asleep wrapped around it. We still have a hard time putting it away though, because it is one of his favourite places to sleep. No matter where we try to hide it, he finds it and snuggles down for his naps.
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