It has been difficult getting anything done right now. The weather got cooler. This combined with the fact that the garage has been a kitchen cupboard making assembly line this summer and the fronts, frames and some of the cabinet boxes are being stored there, all the painting made it's way into the living room of all places. Well, the living room and the hall way. Large flat work surfaces have been erected so that painting and drying can happen in a warmer room.

All the priming had been done already, during the summer. I got to help with that because the work surfaces were at a height that worked for me. With all this inside stuff, the height of the work spaces just doesn't work for me, so hubby has been puttering away at the painting. There are just 2 edges left to finish up on the upper cupboards, which I think were misses rather than planned for the next session. The yellow paint colour, which I chose for the upper cupboards will be used for the walls as well, when we actually get to that point. However, it looks really pale everywhere except in the kitchen, where the light makes it look just fine. The bottom cupboards will be red. Doing them all red was just going to be too dark, so by splitting up the paint colours, I still get my red cupboards. However, because of all the painting, it's been difficult to actually get anything done and really, I can't complain at all.
We've had some lovely bonus days lately, with very unseasonably mild temperatures and sunshine. We actually didn't run the stove at all for 4 days as it was just too warm. Kevin wasn't impressed at all with this. He loves to sleep in front of the stove when it is pumping heat out. When he wants to warm up, and there wasn't a fire, he started crawling right up to the window and staring in. Luckily he doesn't do it when the stove is warm, so we don't worry about him being hurt when he presses his little nose to the glass.

I've been playing with gluten free ginger cookie recipes. So far I've gotten cookies which are edible, some which are decent but not any which are perfect and worth sharing. Meanwhile I am getting my ginger cookie fix.
Knitting happening. I'm finally on the second front of the cardigan but because I had to rip out half of the first side, it's taken a bit longer. Not so much that much extra knitting time, but you know that week and a half or more that I sat around staring at the fact that I had knit 6 inches using the wrong pattern instructions and wondering how I managed that. Then I was finally able to rip out and reknit the offending 6 inches.
Lots of spinning, but I forgot to take photos! Like really! That is a new one for me. I did manage to make a dust cover for my sweetie's practice amplifier. It is a good thing to keep the sewing machine working once in a while. While it seems to me like I didn't get much done, I think I might actually have done so.