
May 31, 2024

An Interesting Evening

Yesterday was busy.   In the morning we had a Weavers guild dye day.  We used acid dyes to paint warps and skeins.   It was fun and busy.   I'd thought more people had signed up, so made a bit too much dye.  Luckily it will last several months made up, so hopefully it won't go to waste.   

, in the evening we had tickets to see Romeo and Juliet at Stratford Festival.   I hadn't realised it was a 3 hour production though, so we had a very late night.  The show was fine.  It's early in the season so maybe a little rough on the edges yet.   It was enjoyable with excellent performances by Juliet, Romeo, the Friar and Nurse.   I'm pretty much done for tragedies for a while though.

The best part that we went early so we could find a parking spot along the river.   Parking was $25, but riverside parking was only a few meters away farther and was free!  Who doesn't like free!  There is a nice paved walkway beside the river and took advantage of that.

We had a lovely wander along the river because we had time to kill.  We'd thought we'd see the swans, but instead there were geese, a few ducks and a lone blue heron.  Weirdly, the heron was quite accustomed to people and  let me get quite close for photos in a couple of different places.   The final shot, when he took off in flight, was because someone decided to see what I was doing and tromped noisily down towards the shore, startling the bird.  Still it was an experience that I don't imagine I'll get to experience again.

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