
September 04, 2007

More Natural Dyes

This past weekend I went to an amazing SCA event called Fruits of our Labours. There a friend and I taught a class on natural dyeing. We used woad that I'd grown in the garden, weld and madder. We had put wool and linen samples in the dye vats. The dyeing gods shined upon us and we had spectacular results. It was so much fun... the class as well as the whole event. The blue was gorgeous and interestingly it started off very turquoise, but a quick rinse took all the yellow out. The madder dyed this intense brick red/tangerine colour.. totally awesome and the weld, well it is this incredibly bright, deep lemon yellow. It was the best space to do a dye class in; outside, lots of space, fire pit, 15 feet from a water tap and best of all, Vincenzo practicing dulcimer 20 feet away, so we got serenaded while we played.


  1. Awesome colours! I'm so happy that your class went well.


  2. Thanks! I haven't posted the colours on the linen yet.. surprisingly gorgeous and only mordanted with alum.
