
January 08, 2012

It Shouldn't have been Rocket Science

Finally, the loom is dressed and I'm weaving.  It should have been simple but I turned it into rocket science.  It's a simple colour pattern and only tabby weave.  Once I sat down at the loom, I had the heddles threaded in record time.  Unfortunately, I managed to muddle up the colour order in one block and kept it that way for a few repeats, miraculously changed it back to normal in the middle of another pattern block  and went on until the the end when I did the same for 3 more blocks.   Thankfully, I allowed enough extra warp for substantial sampling, so I had no worries about weaving out tests.  It only took a short time to figure out my errors and fix them, but it's been a while since I've made that big a mistake in threading!  The moral of the story is, don't put in a movie which you haven't seen in a long time, or you'll watch it, instead of watching the heddles.  
The first tea towel has been woven and there are another 4 or 5 to finish off.  It's only a 6.5 yard warp and I'm weaving the towels to about 35 inches to allow 2 inches for hems and 3 inches shrinkage.  That's about 5 with loom waste, which usually gives me 6 towels.  I don't count on that last one though, it's like a bonus to have it actually work out.

The hat is finished.  Enough said about it.  I'm looking for a small child who needs a lovely cabled, soft, wool winter toque.

What's wrong with this photo?  This was our driveway yesterday.   A few days ago, we had snow and pictures of the chooks hanging out in it.  They were playing in the puddles of melted snow yesterday and again today.  We usually get a January thaw, but it's only a few days.  It isn't normally a thaw with only a few days of winter.  I'm not complaining mind you.  I'm not a huge fan of lots of snow, bitter temperatures and biting winds.  It's just different.  When winter actually comes, we'll be all taken quite by surprise, I'm sure.   This was taken from inside the house, hence the glare.

The seed catalogues are in already.  I was amazed that the first few came in November.  I was waiting on one and it came a few weeks ago.  I normally wait for a snowy, blustery day to hunker down with a huge cup of herbal tea and figure out my seed order.   I may have to change my routine this year.   I did get a fresh batch of Dyer's Knotweed seeds ordered.  They should be arriving in the next week or so.  As they are cold sensitive, I'll have to watch the mail box just to make sure they don't get frosty.


  1. We're getting seed catalogs - just got three last week. The weather has gone crazy. I have no idea what conditions we'll have this year. Last year it was cold clear into June so the garden never really took off.

    I have never thought of color and weave for dishtowels. I look forward to seeing yours.

  2. I was looking at your math. You only give yourself 24" of loom waste. You must have a counterbalance loom. I can't get away with that.

  3. I love log cabin and hear you about having enough warp to sample and test. :o

    I've been loving the seed catalogues in the mail too. The hard part is limiting my self to what I can afford to order!
