I had a guild meeting last night and had hoped to have them finished for show and tell. Mid afternoon, I decided that if I cut the woven towels, I would have enough time to wash, dry and hem at least one.
Right - who was I kidding?
First, I realized I had to finish weaving off the 3rd towel. I was only about 1/4 done, so that took a good few minutes. Then I put in my separator threads. Those are the red threads that show me where one towel ends and the next begins. I then wove about an inch of tabby, put in a lease stick, switched sheds and put in another lease stick. Finally I wove another inch of tabby.
I took the scissors and cut along that dividing line. The first time I did this, I held my breath and couldn't believe I was doing it. However, it does work well and now that I've done it a few times, it is much easier to cut through that project on the loom.
I then wove a couple of inches extra before I started the next towel, just to make sure that the tension was still right. The only problem I had was that I broke a thread on the far side, when an unnoticed knot hit the reed. I quickly fixed that and kept on weaving.
Huck tea towels washed, dried, ready to be hemmed and pressed |
Luckily DH was home from work and after he finished whatever he was working on, he took apart my foot pedal, fixed it and reassembled it. I was able to do the zigzag stitching. I tossed the towels in the washer, then in the dryer and about 2 minutes before I had to leave for the guild meeting, the dryer buzzed to say they were done. No way I could press them and hem them in that time. However, I will have lovely show and tell for next month. I am really happy with these.
Now to finish the rest of the towels and get the cotton scarf woven for the shiboi workshop later this month.
despite your troubles the towels look pretty, very fresh and clean! and I quite often fall into the trap of "if I hurry up a bit, I can finish this or that!:) proven just yesterday, when I knitted for hours, only to find that putting a zip into a toddler's vest is not a brilliant idea - after two in the morning:) now another gift is going to be a bit late, but I do need some sleep here and there - so it can't be helped! I think the vest is large enough to still fit if it goes into the mail a few days later:) and I console myself with the fact that, even if I had finished it - it wouldn't have arrived in time for the birthday tomorrow anyway. which wasn't my fault, because I couldn't get a dividable zipper here anyway:) (yes, I know, a feeble excuse - but true!)