I want to find more of these for the garden. It's some variety of Scilla, (siberica?). I'd love them to be strewn throughout the gardens and yard. They are exquisitely blue and fresh.
These are another variety of Scilla as well. Pretty, blue and starshaped, they have started to migrate from this little patch. I'd put in more of these as well, although I don't like them quite as much as the other ones.
I didn't get around to planting more Crocus bulbs last fall, although I had that activity in the plans. Even less came up this year and most were crushed by a wet, heavy and late snow fall. These were later blooming and caught me by surprise. Still pretty though.
The garlic is up! It's looking strong and healthy, although buried in the snow, it was a sad picture, that I refused to take. It looks like virtually every clove that I planted has germinated this year, so I'm hopeful that we'll have lots to harvest.
Something has eaten every last strawberry plant and the bunnies got the blueberries, which are showing no signs of recovery yet. I haven't checked the raspberries but at least a few of the blackberries made it through the harsh winter. The black current bush has lots of leaf buds, and I'm hopeful that there might be a few berries to harvest this year. Last year there were 3 currents on the bush, so more would be a good thing.
Your garlic looks great! And so does all the pale purple/blue blooming everywhere. :)
ReplyDeleteThe shawl is lovely! That's on my to-do list for this year - I've never made one. The Not 2 Square weaving group donates shawls to rest homes at Christmas and I'd like to have one finished in time for that.