I'll have to admit that the long blooming, stalwart and somewhat common Rudbekia Goldsturm is one of my favourite perennials. I starts off flowering in late July and just keeps on going. It's starting to look a little straggly now, but it's still an amazing burst of colour.
This fall blooming Aster always surprises me. I forget it's in the garden, as it's quietly growing away. Then poof, one day I notice it and wonder how I missed, nay even forgot that the Aster grew there. Then it blooms and I'm always in love. The pink and yellow is such a nice surprise, tucked in the back of the flower bed. It always makes me feel happy to see it back there.
This is the second year in a row that I've had volunteer Sunflowers. They are tall this year and the drooping heads are now jam packed with sunflower seeds. I will harvest most of them and give them to the chooks as treats. I'll leave a few to hopefully self seed next spring. These could be birdseed mix I use in the winter, although usually the birds leave only the millet and other grains they aren't horribly fond of. The sunflower seeds usually disappear in moments.
Finally, we've had enough rain that the blossom end rot has disappeared. The tomatoes are finally ripening. Not tons of them, but enough to eat fresh for a few meals. I've had some yummy tomato sandwiches which can only be truly enjoyed with a freshly picked, properly ripe and sun-warmed fruit. I made a simple tomato salad which was a flavourful surpise, as well as the regular fresh salsa, salad additions etc. These are Black Krims and although they didn't actually turn horribly dark, they have a slightly different and alluring taste.
I've no idea what this plant is. As far as I know it's a weed. It is large and bushy and flowers into the fall. It's so pretty, I've left it in the garden.
The Zebra Mallow comes up wherever it pleases. Those that grow in garden beds are left as they provide stunning colour all summer and sometimes even survive light frosts. It is a native plant which is welcome in my garden.
Fall Crocuses? I was wandering around the yard one day, trying to round up some chickens who hadn't heard me call them in for scratch grain. I saw these almost hidden under a cedar shrub. A lovely little surprise.
I keep thinking we should have frost here but it's been Santa Ana in SoCal with a spill-over for us. Stuff is still growing and we're still sneezing.