The wonky log cabin quilt is ready to bind! Having the distracting hubby away on a business trip for a week sure made for a lot of productive time. I'm hoping to get the binding cut, sewn and applied tonight. Heidi hosts a Friday night sew in. I'm using that as a pretense to spend the whole evening at the sewing machine, in hopes of finishing it up. In a few minutes, I will cut 7 binding strips, sew them together, iron them in half to make a double fold binding. Then it's two rounds of stitching around the outside edges of the quilt. The first to attached the binding to the back of the quilt and the second to fold it over the front and machine stitch it down. Since these are functional quilts, I don't mind the machine stitched bindings. They will be far more durable than handstitched bindings. While I'd prefer the quilts not to be abused, I also don't want my kids to be worried about ruining them if they use them. I'm off to finish up the quilt!
Friday Night Sew In
The blues in your yarn are lovely! Can't wait to see it knitted up. It truly will be awesome. Love the idea of a sew-in too. Those are the kinds of cultural traditions that we never should lose.