
February 12, 2022

project updates

I purchased a PDF pattern for a walking skirt.   Turns out it had 91 pages to print out and assemble.   While I ordered the pdf because it's an easy download, and I didn't want the hassle of shipping it, probably from the U.S, it turned out that it was 90 pages to print and assemble!   I've used pdf patterns before, but they were like 9 pages long, so easy to print at home.  

I bought this one on a Friday and had to wait until Monday, to go into town, to go to the print shop and get it printed out.   They did an amazing job, while I waited.  It probably took 10 minutes or so in total and cost $14.    It then took me two days to trim the pieces and glue them together.

I ordered the pattern because I'd drafted one myself from an 1895 pattern and one of the shapes didn't look right.   Turns out, I did just fine and my self drafted pattern was okay.  The only issue was I'd had to measure myself and need to make a couple of small changes because I wasn't quite accurate.

I purchased this yarn before Christmas and set it aside to gift to myself as we weren't going to really do presents this year.   However, I forgot about it and just found it.   I'm happy with it because it was merino superwash on sale for half price!  I wasn't sure about it in the skein, since it was a speckle pattern, but it's quite nice when knitted up.  It's also a nice yarn to work with.

  I did have to fiddle with the heel.  I tried the square heel or common heel again.   It is usually shown using a stockinette stitch flap.   However, once again, the plain stitch flap just swims on my foot, so I ripped it out and did my normal slip stitch flap.  With the square heel turn, it fits just fine now.

Wool singles.   I have two bobbins full and more roving.   It's from Upper Canada Village, and processed from their own sheep.  I lost the tag though, so I can't remember what kind of sheep it's from.  It's beautifully processed and easy to spin.   It's fairly coarse though, so I have no idea what I'll use it for.

1 comment:

  1. Ooo, a walking skirt! I've looked at discussions on these at But 91 pages! Sheesh. I don't have a printer, so I'm always disappointed when the patterns I want are only available as PDFs. There was a vintage blouse that I adored, but the PDF was expensive, plus the pieces required a larger printer size than what the library offers. But they no longer offer paper patterns to save trees.
