
November 26, 2023

Spinning - gasp- and more socks


Just a few of the November socks.  There are more unfinished ones in the work basket waiting for me .    I'm also trying out ideas for labels for my socks.   I think I want a band type label for them so that the pairs are easier to keep together.   They seem to look neater, although I know a hang tag might work well too, and it's possible I could simply design one tag which would work for both  socks and wovens.   It's been interesting playing around with label design apps and programs.  They sure aren't as simple and easy as they were many years ago.

November has been an interesting month  and one that I don't mind not repeating.   I managed to muck up my rotator cup.   Thankfully due to some anti-inflamatorys and a lot of diligence with my physio, I was able to get back most of my shoulder movement in fairly quick time.  I'm pretty sure that was more painful than getting either of my hips done.  But they said moving it breaks the pain cycle, and sure enough pushing through, did exactly that.   I'll be a bit careful in the future though, not to over-do it because the problem that caused it in the first place, irritating two tendons is still there.  


Not feeling like kitchenering up the toes of the socks, I dragged out the Minstrel and started spinning up some mill ends which I've had for several years.   This is superwash merino/cashmere/silk/nylon.   I've no idea about the percentages.  It's nice enough to spin for fibre that was like $8 a lb.   Most of it needs carding.  I've been hand carding it until I have a huge pile of rolags.  Then I can have a lovely, leisurely spinning session.   I'm on the second bobbin.  Now I   need to figure out where I stashed the rest of my bobbins.  I don't like to ply very fine yarns from centre pull balls as I have too many issues with tangling.  A little bit thicker grist and up is great plying ends together for me,  but not the very fine stuff.   I'm hoping that I'll get enough  spun to dye up and crank a pair of socks

Christmas card painting is on the list for soon.  It was supposed to be earlier this month but not with everything that's happened so far.   Then I figured today, but that didn't happen so tomorrow for sure.   I got a bit of a walk in though, which felt so good.  Then there were ice pellets and now it's raining, and "they're" calling for possible snow.  :(    We've been having windchill in the morning too and it just feels too early for waking up to -10 blasts of weather.  I've definitely a bit spoiled from living this far south.  I mean the ground isn't totally frozen yet and still I'm complaining.

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